A Minute In Manhattan

Take a moment to explore the many things that make Manhattan with our Minute in Manhattan video series ...

Known as the Little Apple

Come spend time in the Midwest and experience our college-town charm. There’s an energy here with all these students that lifts you up and makes you excited to engage in life.

So many opportunities and adventures await in the beautiful rolling hills of the Flint Hills region. Discover a zest for activity from the eclectic shopping stores, unique local dining, and one-of-a-kind attractions.

We’re here to make suggestions, offer advice, and get you excited to experience all we have in Manhattan, Kansas!

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check out what’s going
on in Manhattan!

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What’s Manhappenin’?

A photo of a purple calendar icon

Experience Manhattan’s diverse and amazing events that are sure to delight your senses!


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Upcoming Events

Manhattan Seed Swap

Flint Hills Discovery Center

Manhattan Seed Swap

Flint Hills Discovery Center

Frozen Sing-a-Long

Wareham Hall
Full Calendar


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